[. . . ] This plug should be used with D VSHFLDOO\ JURXQGHG VRFNHW RI  DPSHUHV , I WKHUH LV QR VXFK VRFNHW LQ \RXU KRXVH SOHDVH KDYH LW LQVWDOOHG E\ DQ authorized electrician. This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and above and persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental FDSDELOLWLHV RU ODFN RI H[SHULHQFH DQG NQRZOHGJH LI WKH\ KDYH been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the hazard involved. Cleaning and user maintenance should not be made by children without supervision. If the supply cord is demaged, it must be replaced by the PDQXIDFWXUHU LWV VHUYLFH DJHQW RU VLPLODU TXDOL¿HG SHUVRQV LQ order to avoid a hazard. EN -3- Old and out-of-order fridges ‡ , I \RXU ROG IULGJH KDV D ORFN EUHDN RU UHPRYH WKH ORFN EHIRUH GLVFDUGLQJ LW EHFDXVH children may get trapped inside it and may cause an accident. [. . . ] ‡ )RU ORQJWHUP VWRUDJH RI IRRG LQ WKH IUHH]HU FRPSDUWPHQW \RX FDQ VHW NQRE PHGLXP position. (3-4) ‡ Note that; the ambient temperature, temperature of the freshly stored food and how often the door is opened, affects the temperature in the refrigerator and freezer compartments. ‡ :KHQ \RX ¿UVW VZLWFK RQ WKH DSSOLDQFH \RX VKRXOG LGHDOO\ WU\ WR UXQ LW ZLWKRXW DQ\ IRRG in for 24 hours and not open the door. ‡ If the unit is switched off or unplugged, you must allow at least 5 minutes before restarting in order not to damage the compressor. ‡ The freezer of the refrigerator cools down to -18°C and less. EN -6- PART 3. FOOD STORAGE IN THE APPLIANCE Refrigerator Compartment Refrigerator compartment is used for storing fresh food for few days. ‡ Do not place food in direct contact with the rear wall of the refrigerator compartment. ‡ To reduce humidity and avoid formation of frost, never place liquids in unsealed containers in the refrigerator. ‡ 0HDW RI DOO W\SHV ZUDSSHG LQ SDFNDJHV LV UHFRPPHQGHG WR EH SODFHG RQ WKH JODVV VKHOI just above the vegetable bin, where the air is colder. ‡ <RX FDQ SXW WKH IUXLWV DQG YHJHWDEOHV LQWR FULVSHU ZLWKRXW SDFNLQJ ‡ To avoid the cold air escaping, try not to open the door too often, and not leave the door open for a long time. Freezer Compartment Freezer compartment is used for freezing fresh foods and for storing frozen foods for the SHULRG RI WLPH LQGLFDWHG RQ SDFNDJLQJ DQG IRU PDNLQJ LFH FXEHV ‡ )RU IUHH]LQJ IUHVK IRRG ZUDS DQG VHDO IUHVK IRRG SURSHUO\ WKDW LV WKH SDFNDJLQJ VKRXOG EH DLU WLJKW DQG VKRXOGQ¶W OHDN 6SHFLDO IUHH]HU EDJV DOXPLQXP IRLO KHDY\ JUDGH LQ doubt double wrap), polythene bags and plastic containers are ideal. ‡ The evaporating tray and the defrost water drain hole should be cleaned periodically with defrost drain plug to prevent the water from collecting on the bottom of the refrigerator LQVWHDG RI ÀRZLQJ RXW ‡ You can also pour ½ glass of the water to drain hole to clean inside. Defrosting the Freezer compartment: WARNING: Never use sharp metal tools, unless recommended by manufacturer, for this operation as they can damage the refrigeration circuit. After a period of time, frost will build up in certain areas in the freezer compartment. The frost, accumulated in the freezer compartment, should be removed periodically (use the plastic scraper if available). &RPSOHWH GHIURVWLQJ ZLOO EHFRPH QHFHVVDU\ LI WKH IURVW OD\HU H[FHHGV  PP WR PDLQWDLQ WKH HI¿FLHQF\ RI WKH IUHH]HU ‡ The day before you defrost, set the thermostat dial to position “5” to freeze the foods completely. ‡ 'XULQJ GHIURVWLQJ IUR]HQ IRRGV VKRXOG EH ZUDSSHG LQ VHYHUDO OD\HUV RI SDSHU DQG NHSW LQ a cool place. ‡ 6HW WKH WKHUPRVWDW NQRE WR SRVLWLRQ ³ ” and switch off the appliance. ‡ &OHDQ WKH LQWHULRU E\ KDQG ZLWK OXNHZDUP ZDWHU DQG D OLWWOH GHWHUJHQW Never use abrasive products or aggressive cleaning agents. ‡ 'U\ WKH LQVLGH RI WKH XQLW SOXJ RQ WKH PDLQV DQG VHW WKH WKHUPRVWDW NQRE WR SRVLWLRQ ³´ After 24 hours, reset the thermostat to the desired position. EN -9- Replacing the Light bulb When replacing the bulb of the refrigerator compartment; 1. Unplug the unit from the power supply,  3UHVV WKH KRRNV RQ WKH VLGHV RI WKH OLJKW FRYHU WRS DQG UHPRYH WKH OLJKW FRYHU 3. Replace the light cover and after waiting 5 minutes plug the unit. PART 5. [. . . ] 5DLVH DSSOLDQFH DQG VOLGH LQWR NLWFKHQ XQLW 3XVK DSSOLDQFH WR WKH UHYHUVH VLGH RI GRRU hinges providing that trim gasket2 FRYHUV VSDFH EHWZHHQ DSSOLDQFH DQG WKH NLWFKHQ XQLW 6. Screw WULP ÀDS1 WR NLWFKHQ XQLW XVLQJ screws5 ¿J* 9. Screw ¿[LQJ EUDFNHW11 DV OHDQHG WR NLWFKHQ XQLW E\ XVLQJ screws5. Set 1~2 mm gap on handle side between unit itself and unit doors by adjusting guides3. [. . . ]